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Friday, 25 March 2011

My prayers have been answered!

Good day today I think! We'll start off with the morning training.

7.30-9am, we had a fielding+fitness session. Well, we would have had more of one, but there was 4 of us. So we had the catching cradle out, and for every dropped catch we did suicides runs, and for every time we didn't hit the cradle so the ball could fly off we did 5 press-ups. I dropped 4 catches, 2 were reaction ones, and the other 2 I should have caught, but I didn't. We did use a wind-ball, so it bounced out of your hands, but no excuse! Ahh well. Did some other good drills, really enjoyed it, but I did turn up to my 9.15 seminar soaked with sweat!

Then, at 5, we had nets. I turned up 15 minutes late due to lectures, but got a bat after 10 minutes, more importantly though I faced the bowling machine. I really needed this. My technique was all over the place, and after a few balls Armo (Uni CC president) had spotted my faults and sorted out my technique really quickly. After half a basket of balls I was already playing straighter, and much more correctly than I was previously. I was also finally hitting balls through leg! About time! I had a little bat in the net against the bowlers, after my bowling machine session, and it had instantly paid off. Had a couple of blips, but didn't get out, which was most important!

Bowling was good, as usual, bowled well to a lefty as well, which is always helpful! Not a lot to say on it to be honest!

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